Monday 13 June 2016

Day 67 - Exposed

The Ŷ Teaching exposes you to amazing opportunities and never fails to surprise and delight. 

Working with iPad allows me - as a teacher - to use all the tools available to make the process of learning as accessible as possible. I try to remind myself how difficult learning adults we don't often put ourselves in a position where we are not in control. School can feel like this everyday for some people - alien in fact. It's my job to utilise all the tools at my disposal to make the experience in the classroom as effective as possible. Notice not easy - thinking is hard and school without a challenge is, well - worthless. 

What did I use in my classroom today? 

Listening, comprehending, acting and following through is a complex task for some. Especially if you haven't yet developed the sophisticated skills of decoding words and communicating meaning. For whatever reason, following instructions is hard. To help those in my class who find multi step instructions tricky and fall short of expectations to replicate or reproduce similar modelled work - filming  the introduction and posting it back in Showbie to be replayed as and when necessary by the children .

The resulting work was noticeably more precise and looked controlled and considered, dare I say cared for?  I was proud of the efforts of the class, making nets is never easy (all those tabs) but today there was real success, no curved edges on the cuboids. Taking no more time as it was filmed when I delivered the lesson. 

The class have been working on a computer competition entry. The task is to use a Makey Makey into a control pad for a game made in Scratch. Today was beta testing day...

The game is a culmination of teamwork, the collaboration within the class makes this everyone's game, even though a selected few will present it to the judging panel. 

The idea is that the athlete runs and collects healthy food, the four objects change when bumped from healthy food when you gain points, to unhealthy food which reduces your score... Today records were broken and a score of 27 points gained! The students gathered both positive and negative comments and used this to refine and tweak their code. Debugging at its most relevant. This ideas were then captured in a Book Creator visual diary of the whole process. I am very proud of the children they are the opitome of digital learners - achieving above and beyond what they believe possible. The final diary was then exported as a movie file and uploaded instantly to Trilby TV, so others could marvel in the students aptitude. The public link providing a QRlink for instantly exposed for public scrutiny and praise. 

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